Product Information Management

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PIM - with good product data into the future

Integrate, enrich, succeed

Customers want high-quality product data with comprehensive information, product configurations and appropriate offers and prices. It is a challenge for companies to integrate product data from different sources, map complex product rules and multilingual descriptions, ensure their quality and make them available across all channels. Read more

high data quality
automatic validation
intelligent mapping
standardise data sets
Information Hub
overcoming data silos
automate processes
trigger self-learning imports
sustainable data
short product lifecycles
turning visions into reality

Highly complex products require intelligent product data

The klar:suite enables consistent and up-to-date product communication across all sales and marketing channels and reduces the effort required for product data maintenance.

Product data from different sources

klar:suite combines, harmonises and networks product information from marketing, ERP and sales systems. Self-learning import processes enable efficient integration of product data from a wide range of data source formats such as Word, Excel, XML, e.g. BMEcat, and ensure smooth exchange with suppliers.

Single source of truth

Standardise incoming product data. Intelligent editors highlight inconsistencies and facilitate mapping between different sources. Read more

Flexible, tailored working environment

klar:suite grows organically with the evolving needs of users. Viewers and editors are designed and customised to reduce the effort of product data maintenance. The working environment offers flexibility for every workflow and user, providing optimised and diverse data interactions.

turning visions into reality

Reduce time to market. Export or synchronise validated data in any format, e.g. XML, SQL. Provide high-quality product data for up-to-date, multilingual product communication across all sales and marketing channels.

Beautiful catalogues and price lists

Edit and correct source data in the final layout view. Create beautiful catalogues, product sheets and price lists, even with the most complex product dependencies and layout rules, local variants, language versions and pricing schemes for different markets and channels.

Interactive Product Configurators

Build your web portal with HTML5 order pages, product series selection, available options and recommendations in the familiar layout of catalogues and price lists. Product rules are validated and only allowed options are displayed.

Click-Price-Quote - the quote at your fingertips

Always generate the best quote as a complex Word or PDF document with cover sheet, hierarchical product grouping, rule-based aggregated information, footnotes, tables of contents, appendices, brochures and customised prices for different currencies, discounts and target markets.

Onboarding without limits

In e-commerce and purchasing, the efficient integration of product data from external providers into a company's own data structures is often the limiting factor when it comes to expanding the product range. Read more

Want to know more?

We would be happy to give you a personal demo of our klar:suite as PIM System.

Our customers