Process Management

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A perfect fit for every team

klar:suite process management modules ensure process and quality

Successful and efficient teamwork requires process management that can be adapted to the specifics of the project, team size and security requirements. Process modelling, roles & rights assignment and workflow design can be flexibly defined in the klar:suite and easily configured - even by the customer. Read more

ensure quality
reduce manual effort
perfect fit
on demand control
process modelling

Processes under control - adaptable at any time

Properly modelled collaboration and quality control processes deliver optimal results with maximum efficiency.

Process modeling

Users can visualize processes. Processes and process steps are integrated in the semantic network. They can therefore be linked to any addressable element and further interdependencies can be modeled.

The generic Roles & Rights concept

Users can configure roles (with multi-inheritance) and assign these (context-dependent) to users. They assign widgets and functional rights (read, write, prohibit) to roles, which regulate access depending on parameters, e.g. to a document in a specific workflow status.

The generic Workflow concept

For any given object, e.g. a document, users can define one or more workflows (no code) with freely definable steps/status, through which the object is led to its final status. Read more

Validation - so no task is left unfinished

Validation conditions for status transitions are used, for example, to check compliance with editorial guidelines, ensuring consistent text quality.

The generic Task and Comment concept

Tasks and comments are associated with specific objects. They can be flexibly created with user assignment, start and due dates, priority and keywords/tags. Tasks have a status (open, closed, rejected) that can be used for validation purposes during workflow transitions.

Want to know more?

We would be happy to give you a personal demo of our klar:suite modules for process management.