Content Management System

powerd by

From raw data to knowledge pool

Access and enrich content and provide information

klar:suite overcomes data silos, simplifies maintenance and optimises modularisation, reuse and versioning, even for large volumes of content. The semantic modelling concepts of klar:suite offer a wide range of options for representing content and context relationships in the best possible way and for modelling dependencies. Read more

valuable content
use not manage
get there fast
speed up content creation
integrated AI
services that understand content
intelligent search
unlock complex content
highest quality
identify analogies and contradictions
adapt data structures on the fly
beyond XML
breaking XML limitations
minimal effort
avoid manual maintenance
customer first
write for customers, not for databases

From standard to specialised tools

klar:suite can be used as an easily configurable (no code) standard product for a small number of workstations and as an enterprise-wide software platform with specialised tools. Special customisations and tools can be efficiently implemented via the integrated development environment - even by the customer. Because the system interface is scripted, both initial customisations and subsequent enhancements can be implemented quickly.

Import, model, modularise and re-use complex content

Work with a content focus

Streamline editing and approval processes

Deliver consistent and up-to-date product information

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Full flexibility with full control - speak klar:text

In the klar:suite software platform, everything from import to delivery is integrated in one system. Content creation, access, enrichment and delivery go hand in hand, giving you full control over content and the flexibility to respond to changes and new requirements at any time. Your content and your customers deserve it.

Business success with a future

Success with semantic technology

klar:suite is ready to use out of the box and the data model can be quickly created by the customer (no code). Read more

Tailored for you

Your business is unique and klar:suite can be tailored to your individual needs. Read more

Ready for the future

klar:suite includes an agile development environment. Read more

Want to know more?

We would be happy to give you a personal demo of our klar:suite .

Our customers